Explaining the Strategic Research and Technology Management Model in Supportive Organizations of Research and Technology; Case Study

Document Type : Research Paper


Commercialization and Business Development Department, Technology Management Division, Research Institute or Petroleum Industr


Research and technology often requires support and in this regard, in many countries, organizations or institutions have been formed to financial and non-financial support for research and technology activities. The lack of a comprehensive and integrated approach to direct research and technology projects in these organizations has resulted in the ineffectiveness of activities undertaken in support of research and technology. The aim of this paper is to explain the strategic research and technology management in one of these organizations by providing a detailed model of the evolution stages of research and technology achievements in order to provide the context for implementation of the strategic research and technology management in the studied organization.
The research method used is "Extended case study" and in line with the implementation of the research, the scope of activities supported by the organization based on the idea to market process have been divided to four areas, including ideation, research, technology development and commercialization. Then types of inputs and outputs of each stage were determined. The supportive practices of the supporting organization of research and technology in these areas were defined and how to share benefits and ownership of achievements was determined. Finally, conclusions and implication about the characteristics of the model presented.


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