Conceptualizing Policy Gap Phenomena in Cultural Policy Making Process

Document Type : Research Paper


In asking the question “Whathappensin the process ofpolicy-makingthe result of which is not intended?”, studies have not tried to find the relevant answer. They have tried to come up with a model to keep policy-making away from plausible risks. Suchresponsescan befoundinvarious conceptual forms.Inthis study, it is classified under four categories ofcohesionpolicy, the totalitarian government, integrationpolicy, andnetwork ruling. Each concept has examined policy-making from different perspectives in different countries.Thisstudy aimsto use thestrategyofdata-driventheorizing to extract a descriptivehypothesis. A new concept of policy-making has been offered with its definition, typology, and occurrence. The result of the study defines policy-making as the interference of human or non-human factors arising from the native culture leading the top policy-maker not to achieve the intended outcomes. Two varieties of conceptual and procedural gaps are offered. Moreover, two different viewpoints are put forward on the reasons of such a phenomenon. The former discusses the reasons of the gap and the latter discusses the relevant factors. The reasons of policy gapcan be presented in three sections including culture ecology, policy structureand policy-making process. Also, human and non-human factors are known to cause policy gap and forming process of these factors are explained and demonstrated.


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