Designing a Model on Factors Influencing on Policy Studies in Policymaking; in Light of Concept Mapping

Document Type : Research Paper



Policy research is process of doing research about or analyzing a social issue in order to propose policymakers with some practical recommendations. Utilizing policy research is important than of doing it. Utilization occurs when policy research affect, shape or change people or systems. This article aims to identify factors influencing on the utilization of policy research and to design them within a model. In doing so, a sequential-exploratory mixed method is used. In order to identify factors, literature review, interview and focus group are used. In order to design a model, conceptual mapping is used. Statistical population is teachers and researchers in the field of public policymaking. In different stages of multi-level sampling, sequential-Purposive method is used. In sum, 36 people have participated in this research (10 people in stage of interview, 7 people in stage of focus group and 19 people in stage of designing model). Finally, 94 factors within 18 components and 4 dimensions were identified. This article s results support “classification of factors” and show that there is consensus mostly over research itself, policymaker and idiosyncrasies of researcher, and contextual dimension, which freedman s test has supported this ranking.


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