Document Type : Research Paper
Graduated from the specialized doctoral course in private law, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran;
Associate Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran (corresponding author);
From one perspective, the corporate merger control provisions in the Iranian and UK legal system can be divided into two substantial and procedural provisions. By investigating the mentioned procedural provisions in the UK legal system, it is observed that by identifying the concept of “relevant merge” and then determining the “supervision thresholds,” merely mergers satisfying the supervision thresholds are subject to corporate merger control provisions. In order to investigate the mentioned mergers, the merger control provisions in the UK legal system include two main stages. The execution of each step is determined by an authority, and then it is performed by a certain deadline. At first glance, the two-stage investigation of mergers may seem like a cause to prolong proceedings. However, many more accurate investigations suggest that it will reduce processing time together with other factors, such as determining the statutory thresholds and the investigation time for each stage. In the UK legal system, the merger control authority is allowed to investigate or refer it to the second stage for future investigation in the specified deadline from the date of merger initiation, and after the expiration of a given deadline, there will be no possibility of detailed investigation and, if necessary, cancellation of the merger. While in the Iranian legal system, without setting such a deadline, there will be possible an investigation into the merger and, finally, its cancellation at any time after the merger initiation.
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