Framework Plan for the Proposal of Public policy: Combined Research

Document Type : Research Paper



This study plans a framework for public policy proposal. Target Population of this survey includes policy research experts, who work in policy research institutions (Secretariat of the Expediency Council, Parliamentary Commissions and ministries). Survey sampling has been selected through convenience sampling (Snowball Sampling). In order to answer these questions, what are the main elements for the appropriate public policy proposals? And which of them are more important? The paper is followed: after data gathering, some of the elements are identified and then the initial interview with sixteen experts were conducted. Other elements were extracted by using theme analysis. Finally, 21 cases were used of a total of elements were extracted and interviews, as the main elements of policy that these elements were given to thirty experts to confirm and determine the importance. Finally after the analysis of data, elements; purpose, problem identification and the executive essentials were identified as the most important elements of the proposed policy.


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