A Comparative Study of E-Participation in the Legislative Processes by People from Iran and other Selected Countries

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of the faculty of parliament Research Center

2 Associate Professor, Department of Health Services Management, School of Management and Medical Information, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant professor, Department of Health Services Administration, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education Tehran, Iran


The participation of people in legislative processes takes place via different methods. In the last two decades, Information and Communication Technology has vastly progressed and provided a greater capacity to support the participation of citizens in democratic processes. This technology is employed in various ways in different countries. Digital tools can transform parliaments, and so new media platforms and more transparent data help parliaments to communicate better with their citizens.
The present study is a comparative study and the research environment included legislative meetings in a number of selected countries, such as Finland, Turkey and Iran. These were then compared and carefully analyzed based on the criteria of the legal systems of America, England, Malaysia, Brazil, France, Germany and South Africa, and the efficiencies of these countries and the successes in their legislation. These countries were selected by carrying out targeted searches.
Based on the findings, in all the countries studied, parliaments had legislative power in various forms and benefited from traditional or electronic participation of their citizens. As a result, the information collected varied.
In Iran, there is a great deal of potential for people to participate in legislation and parliamentarians can easily interact with the relevant stakeholders. These circumstances provide a suitable platform for professional and expert participation in the field of legislation.


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