A Jurisprudential Analysis on the legalization of “Cryptocurrency”

Document Type : Research Paper



Cryptocurrencies are one of the recent legal issues affecting and changing the way in which trade and business is done. Therefore, this phenomenon should be legalized on the basis of two principles: 1. the necessity of conformity or, 2. the absence of its main principles within Islamic texts. In view of this necessity and in order to alleviate the concerns and ambiguities of the legislature, the present study aims to represent and analyze the legal and jurisprudential issues which have led to matters, such as: 1. the nature of cryptocurrencies, 2. the legitimacy of cryptocurrencies, 3. anonymity and 4. risk-taking. The ideas presented in this study were compared with the existing jurisprudential rulings, and as a result focuses on the issues of legalizing cryptocurrencies and the inability to track deception and usury in trading such currencies. From a legal perspective, the feasibility of taxation and legalization and the methods used to reduce money laundering, were found to be pressing matters.


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