The Role Education can play in Increasing the Efficiency of Parliament When Offered to Ministers by Political Parties

Document Type : Research Paper



Being the most important policy-making body in the country, critics argue that the Islamic Consultative Assembly continues to portray shortcomings in offering legislation, oversight and representation. One solution seems to be for political parties to educate ministers.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role education plays in the efficiency of the parliament and to answer how the educational influence of political parties, especially political education and its components, can lead to the efficiency of parliament.
In this paper, the descriptive-survey method and SPSS software were used for data analysis, and using one-way ANOVA and paired T-test, each of the indices were evaluated. The statistical population of the study was 344 people in the field of politics and the sample size was determined using the Cochran Formula. The findings of this study show that education provided by political parties, especially political education, which include, various components of political knowledge, political attitude, political skill and political behavior, leads to the efficiency of the candidates in the House of Representatives and consequently in the Islamic Consultative Assembly. The results show that about 60% of the statistical population utilized political education offered by political parties to improve the efficiency of the Islamic Consultative Assembly. The beta coefficient of the effect of the quality of political education on the efficiency of the parliament is 0.47. Based on the quality of the political education provided, there was a significant correlation between political education and the efficiency index of parliament. A positive relation was also estimated indicating the presence of a direct relation.


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