Representativeness, Dynamic Representative System and Constitutional Capacities of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Qom University

2 PhD Student in Public Law, Faculty of Law, Qom University


Today, representative government considers not only a defective and inevitable alternative to direct democracy, but also an intrinsically desirable way for it. However, when representation can be only considered as a real concept of the political-legal system that all legislative rules and procedures of exercising political power are continuously scanned as well as dynamism which has been arose from the constituent's power is recognized and also followed. The research attempts to discuss the nature of true representation under "dynamic representative system" based on the normative approach as well as constitutional capacities for providing desirable conditions of representativeness are assessed through using analytical-descriptive method. Findings of the research show that the realization of a dynamic representative system requires to realize social contexts besides legal components. Also, the Iranian Constitution has capacity for such system implementation and maintenance within the framework of fundamental rights and freedoms through predicting major part of the dynamic representative system preparations. But the main gap involve those areas which will be inconsistent with the constitutional process.


Main Subjects

منابع و مآخذ
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