Policy implications of Iran’s transition to knowledge-based economy: Applying effective science toward the model of Islamic-Persian development

Document Type : Research Paper


1 U

2 post-doc researcher, University of Tehran


Knowledge-based economy is the most prominent approach of international economy in the 21th century that consider the knowledge production and usage as the main root of producing wealth. Defining the mechanism of works and identifying the effective factors on production and usage of knowledge is essential in this economic system, as the context of improving the performance of other sectors can be provided from the relationships. Absolutely, understanding the situational conditions of new economy and its perquisites is necessary for achieving the goals such as 1st economic rank in the region, economic competitiveness, sustainable growth and development that mentioned in macro policies. On the other hand, the Islamic-Persian model of development is in agenda because the existing model of development are not suitable and compatible for Iran by considering the rules such as path dependency, ex-post studies and bounded rationality that represent in evolutionary economy. As a result, this research is exploring and identifying the policy implications of Iran’s transition to knowledge-based economy by taking account the Islamic-Persian model of development. This inductive and qualitative research is based on grounded theory strategy that introduce the main dimensions and policy implications. Results showed that this approach must be take into account, seriously.


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