Designing a Pattern for Challenges of Spatial Policy-making Formulation in Iran’s Rural Regions

Document Type : Research Paper


University of Tehran, Faculty of geography


In recent years, rural policy has undergone fundamental changes and is mainly studied in the form of sustainable development with a territorial perspective, where the coverage of all sectors is considered by the territorial perspective. In Iran, the lack of a holistic point of view in the policy making process has led to different parts of villages to operate as an island basis and not pay attention to the principle of completeness of places. The purpose of this paper is to design a pattern for the challenges of spatial policy-making formulation in rural regions of the country and provide appropriate strategies. Grounded theory is used to extract and analyzing data in three coding staged including open coding, axial coding and selective coding used for data analysis. To achieve the theoretical saturation, the theoretical sampling and snowball method are used for obtaining the opinions of 14 elites (individuals in the rural development trustee systems) through semi-structured and individual interviews. Accordingly, "sectoral, centralized and top-down policy making" was identified as a central category. The results showed that the weakness of the conceptual and theoretical foundations of rural policy-making in Iran has been the most important factor in the emergence, consistency and durability of centralized, partial and top-down policy making. At the same time, the policies formulated are not integrated from institutional and territorial perspective, and on the other hand, the process of formulating and implementing rural development programs is not coherent and does not provide adequate feedback. It can be said, therefore, that in the current context, attention should be paid to integrated sectoral -spatial policy-making. This necessity should be provided with a view to bureaucratic- spatial decentralization and integrated territorial policy-making, which will result in a relative reduction of partiality and attention to spatial policies in the country's policy-making and planning system.


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