State Obligation to Combat Crimes on Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and to Limit Corporal Punishments under International Human Rights Law

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D Candidate in International Law, University of Tehran & Judge of the Appeal Courts of Khorasan Razavi


In the last few decades, the international community has been able to establish a relative solidarity among its members by maintaining and developing common values and international public order. Crimes related to drugs and psychotropic substances threaten international order and security, as well as, the physical and mental health of individuals in most societies. Therefore, States committed themselves to combat against these organized transnational crimes.
Combating to all manifestations of corruption and destruction, including the crimes related to drugs and psychotropic substances, is one of main objectives of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, In addition to accession to the relevant international treaties, there has been a decisive approach to these crimes in its agenda. However, applying corporal punishment, in particular executions, has been criticized by human rights institutions. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as a binding instrument for the government, prohibits the inhumane, cruel and degrading punishments and limits the use of capital punishment merely to the "most serious crimes". Whether the crimes related to drugs and psychotropic substances fall among this category of crimes has been analyzed in this Article based on international conventions, General Comments of the human rights treaty bodies, as well as, States practice. It concludes finally that, crimes related to drugs and psychotropic substances do not fall among the category of the "most serious crimes" in many cases. Therefore, it is necessary to review existing domestic laws. Until then, Iranian courts should minimize the use of corporal punishments, employing national legal capacity to avoid causing international responsibility of the State.


Main Subjects

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