Evaluation of Iranian's Legislative Penal Policy in the Discourse of the Movements for the Management of Crimes against to National Lands

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Judiciary - Deputy Chief of Justice and Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer of the General Court of Yazd

2 shahid beheshti university

3 azad university


Depending on the legislator style of justice and influenced by the results of scientific studies or theoretical reflections, it have been created often formal penal policy movements against illegal appropriation national lands. Based on this ideological approaches, criminal rigor, minimum criminal law, participatory and critical management have been appear and provision is made for rational penal policy. Criminal law in Iran in this regard, on the other hand it has been left garbled, full of bugs and traditionally and it has not been made to modernize and on the other hand, this situation has caused on ever-increasing invasion of national land and the adoption of different measures, especially by judicial authorities. Hence, the need to establish specific criminal law and to streamline the procedures and techniques of the criminal system for the management of crime in this area is felt more than ever. But in practice, not only legislative action has been taken in this area, even against it, and for the sake of the judiciary and violating this crimes have been attempted.
In this research a descriptive-analytical approach, with the scientific and cognitive aberration of the five point approaches, a sweeping and comprehensive solution can be proposed as a feasible and philanthropic strategy.


Main Subjects

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