leadership , pattern for Iranian Foreign policy in middle east

Document Type : Research Paper




The author in this article criticizes neorealist structuralism views, and suggest ideal model for Iranian foreign policy. although the structure of the international system force a regional competition model and, at a higher stage, a hegemonic model to the Iranian foreign policy elite, but the priority and purpose of Iran's foreign policy is not to compete with regional powers or hegemony. The requirements of Iranian culture and civilization, historical experiences, internal trends and the political elite beliefs in the Islamic Republic, prescribe the regional leadership model as the ideal goal for the Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign policy. This model is fundamentally different from the hegemonic pattern. Leadership model is precisely against the hegemonic strategy. Leadership model is based on cultural and human components and in result have a material and objective Achievement. Leadership model is inevitably a soft power. The policy of Leadership model is a unilateral and start from a government who’s cultural and civilization is more powerful. The sense of political self-confidence of that country is very high for its legitimacy in the role of regional authority. The country with this goal, does not consider itself as a nation- state, but considers itself as a civilization-state with cultural background.


Main Subjects

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