Identifying and Prioritizing Influence Factors Affecting Success of SMEs, Using Fuzzy Analytic Network Process Method

Document Type : Research Paper


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Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a crucial role in job creation and economic growth. Adopting proper policies to support the SMEs can be helping in stagflation condition of economy. Identifying and prioritizing the key factors that affect success of small and medium enterprises located in Urmia to develop strategies and policies to support SMEs is the main purpose of this study. Goal of this study is applicable, and the method used for gathering data is a combination of field and library. To identify factors affecting SMEs successes, spss22 software and one tailed T-test was used. In order to consider the uncertainty in the judgment of experts and according to the internal interactions between factors, Fuzzy Analytic Network Process is used for prioritization. Based on the results the subcriteria related to human resources hence the expertise, education, teamwork skills and experience respectively with 0/16742, 0/1633, 0/14668, 0/12933 weights are the most influential factors affecting success in Urmia SMEs.


Main Subjects

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