Security Gains via Commercial Advantage: A Radical Break in Iranian Foreign Policy with Great Powers after Arab Spring.

Document Type : Research Paper




Security Gains via Commercial Advantage: A Radical Break in Iranian Foreign Policy with Great Powers after Arab Spring.
Security dilemma has been the most important and the first priority of Iranian states during the last five centuries. Whenever the central government weakened, the foreign enemies violated territory of Iranian states. Although Iranian governments announced, it would not interfere in world wars I&II and remain neutralism, but its territory has been occupied by great powers during the world wars I&II. Iran's security has also been impressed in the cold war because of the rival between east and the west. The strategy of Iranian states before Islamic revolution was offering commercial advantage to great power in order to receive security gain and balance making trend by great powers. Considering history confirms that in the most of the times, this strategy was failed. They offered commercial advantage but could not balance their rivals and foreign enemies by great powers. Iranian foreign policy has been changed after Islamic revolution. Islamic republic constituted nonalignment Strategy. Iran in the shadow of this strategy and self-help in security seeking, converts to one of the great security power in the Middle East. After Arab spring the security dilemma has been complicated in Middle East where even Obama dreads to interfere in the Syria. On the other hand terrorism threats U.E so they necessitous need to confront against terrorism in the region. As U.E could not confront terrorism without U.S it really need Iran to use its leverage and conflict with terrorism and stabilize Middle East. U.E is ready to offer commercial and political advantages in order to receive security from Iran. This is the radical break in the Iran foreign relations with great power.


Main Subjects

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