Political Economy of the Need to go to War in Incompatible Civilizations and Determining Counter-strategy in Muslim World

Document Type : Research Paper



In recent years, America's foreign and military policies appear to be incompatible and contradictory. America, on the one hand, declares an anti-terror gesture and on the other hand, supports such terrorists as ISIS and Al-Qaeda not least in Iraq and Syria. this conflict reflects a theoretical basis behind creating war and terror in the world, called "the need to create the war in incompatible civilizations". This theory emphasizes two elements: the political economy of military-industrial complexes; and the Huntington's theory of clash of civilizations. these two elements cause US government to create and maintain a virtual enemy and to create perpetual war in Muslem war.
       Reaserch method is the document-based analysis, drawing on three sources: USA national security strategy;  empirical evidence on terrorist activities in Middle East and comparative analysis on them during and post Cold War Era; and causal ananlysis on measuring correlation between Middle Eastern states' military expenditure and their domestic conflicts.


Main Subjects

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