Explanation of the Law and Regulations of the Embryo Donation Method to Infertile Couples and Examination of Its Legislative Defects

Document Type : Research Paper



Although passing 10 years from the approval of the womb donation act to infertile spouses and its executive by-law, and with attention to the increase in the demands and numerous references of infertile spouses to the lawful centers and the justices to take the permit for getting womb and doing the curative periods of the applicant sicknesses, unfortunately, these measures are merely ritualistic, and the lawful specialized centers proceed donation, transfer, and sometimes introduce substitute womb to the applicants and cure them by perfect interpretation from available laws and by the use of common term of womb donation and with comparison to deficient stipulations of the present law and without attention to the religious matters and the artificial insemination law in different kinds of issue.
The infertility of spouses has been the main reason for enacting the described law –hereafter, the donation act-, but the cure of these sicknesses practically has been caused a wrong procedure and also doing inconsistent acts with religion and rules by lawful specialized centers in this regard. Therefore, it is necessary to improve and attach some articles to the said act. In this regard, this research has attempted during three chapters; firstly, investigate the terms of donation act to infertile spouses which sometimes have had different subjective interpretations and deduction. Secondly, artificial insemination, womb transfer, gamete and co-infertility methods have been explicated briefly asaid from acceptance or unacceptance of the artificial insemination in different kinds of issues. Finally, some suggestions have been presented in order to name the flaws of the donation act and to present solutions for completing and correcting the related rules and regulations.


Main Subjects

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