Identifying reasons for failure of compensation policies In the public sector

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Management/ University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 public administration, Tehran university, Tehran, Iran



compensation for services to be the most sensitive variable in the relationship between the employer and the employees. The Iranian government plays an extensive role in the entire administration, heavily influences the economic sector, and employs a sizable portion of the country's workforce. The following study is carried out to identify the reasons behind failures in the public sector's compensation policies. Consequently, this study is practical in its goal, using snowball, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 experts, The data gathered in the study has undergone thematic analysis as outlined by Braun and Clarke. In conclusion, three main themes and nine subthemes were identified as reasons for failure in the public sector's compensation policies. These include procedural reasons (poor compilation, ineffective execution, and flaws in evaluation and supervision), contextual reasons (economic barriers, social-cultural obstacles, and political setbacks), and structural reasons (setbacks in the field of human resources, the sheer size of the government, and flaws in responsible organizations).


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