The Executive Model In The Evolution Of The Administrative System To Balance Soft Power

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of low. Faculty of Human Sciences. Imam Reza International University.Mashhad.Iran

2 Department of low. Faculty of Human Sciences. Imam Reza International University. Mashhad.Iran



Today, colonial and exploitative policies are focused on controlling public thoughts and minds; So much so that the ability to control the public mind is referred to as a source of soft power. On this basis, in any government, neutralizing the indoctrination and induced mental effects of the enemies is one of the most important goals in cognitive wars. And since the stabilization or change of people's mentality depends on their experience of the quality of public administration, the administrative system is known as an objective symbol of the commitment and capability of a government. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the milestones and platforms that influence people's mentality by analyzing the perceived quality of the administrative system by the people in order to provide an effective model in administrative changes.

The present research, which is carried out in a descriptive-analytical method, was conducted to identify the factors affecting the perceived quality of the administrative system and to identify the root causes of these factors, by reviewing the documentary information system and drawing the communication network of related scientific researches in the VOS viewer software became. The results show that laws and regulations related to supervisory policies have a negative and passive effect on the realization of effective supervision; Also, the findings indicate that popularization and technological changes based on participation in administrative supervision policies will eliminate the root cause of dissatisfaction and promote public trust


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