Identifying the Factors Affecting Mobile Government

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Public Administration, Management & Accounting, Allameh Tabatabaei, Tehran, iran

2 Professor, Public Administration Dept., Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant professor, Public Relations Dept., Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate professor, Public Administration Dept., Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


Main goal of this research is to to identify factors affecting mobile government through meta-synthesis approach. The approach of current research was qualitative and the seven-step meta-synthesis method of Sandelowski and Barroso was used. Current research by referring to all sources related to smart governance and necessary factors related to it, including 1354 articles, books and theses from reliable domestic and foreign sources published from the scientific database in the period of 1390-1401 and 2010 to 2022 has taken place. Then, taking into account degree of connection with research topic, the primary sources were screened and number of 118 sources was selected and coding was done on concepts extracted from them. In total, based on results of a systematic review with meta-combination approach, the research model was in form of five dimensions or selected codes of social, economic, managerial, political and cultural factors and ten core codes including electronic services, electronic participation, productivity, policy making and policy is human capital, employee empowerment, legislation, infrastructure, support and training. In order to measure the reliability and quality control, the Kappa method has been used, and the value of the Kappa index was calculated for the effectiveness factors of the accompanying government, which is at the level of excellent agreement.

The results of this research, based on the theories of public administration, went towards increasing the transparency of government activities and the accountability of government officials, if possible, with the implementation of the government, the flow of information can be provided to the citizens faster and with agility and with ease. Removing time and place boundaries, providing them with the services they need. On the other hand, the provision of government services on the platform of m-government can lead to integration between government organizations and a win-win result for the government and citizens.


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