Good urban governance as the referential of urban policy: analysis of the content of the fifth and sixth development plans the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phd student

2 Associate Prof of Political Science Department of Political Science University of Mazandaran Babolsar.Iran

3 Law & theology department,shahidbahonar university,kerman,iran


The Islamic Republic of Iran, due to the diverse potential of the constitution, But it has a small share of good urban governance. In the present study, from the point of view of public policy and with emphasis on the referentials, the adaptation of Fifth and Sixth Development Plans with good urban governance is .addressed. The main question of the research is the referential of urban policy in the fifth and sixth development plan?. The theoretical framework of the research is to use the theory of good urban governance of the habitat. The research method is qualitative content analysis and documentary-library data collection The findings of the research show that the referential of urban policies does not provide a clear definition of the position of urban governance in Iran, The demands and expectations of officials for urban governance are not well-defined, and there is still a centralized, top-down view. As a result of ambiguity in the referential of urban governance, it has affected the process of formulating, implementing and evaluating policies and has failed to fulfill the goals of urban governance development


Main Subjects

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